
Diving Into a Pool of Sprinkles: A Visit to the Museum of Ice Cream

On our way to the Museum of Ice Cream in New York, my friend Jamie was reiterating how lucky we were to get tickets. "It's like the new Hamilton," she joked. "Hottest ticket in town." For someone who missed the boat on seeing Lin-Manuel Miranda live on stage in 18th century garb and continues to enter the Broadway show's daily lottery much to no avail, I couldn't help but flash a wide grin at the thought of getting to do something that was so coveted.  

The museum is a temporary experience in the Meatpacking District, a pop-up shop of sorts that runs until August 31. The $18 tickets apparently sold out in five days -- all 30,000 of them. Thanks to my eagle eyes on Facebook trending topics, we snagged ours the first day. 

When we arrived, we were greeted by an enthusiastic man who handed us a bucket of Dove chocolates and told us to grab a handful. Inside, a woman gave us a cup of ice cream from Brooklyn's Blue Marble topped with marshmallows and Fruit Loops. As far as I was concerned, we already close to getting our money's worth. But there was more -- so much more!

As we kept walking, a man making edible balloons handed us one to taste. I think this is how the kids felt at Willy Wonka's.

Speaking of Willy Wonka, there's a room that smells like cocoa and features a chocolate fountain. There's also a giant sundae that you can add a scoop to (it's fake ice cream, but I heard they're trying to break some of kind of record with it.)

Then we came to the grand highlight, the one we had all been waiting for: the pool of sprinkles! 11,000 pounds of colored beads make up the yummy exhibit that we had exactly seven minutes to play in. 

A video posted by Julie Pennell (@juliepens) on

And yes, if you're wondering, I'm still finding sprinkles around the apartment....

After grabbing handfuls of more candy (sour straws for me this time), we were given glycoprotein pills (like these) that do a switcheroo on your taste buds, making sour things taste sweet. Then we put it to the test with an ice cream cone and lemon slices. Very trippy.

A photo posted by MUSEUM OF ICE CREAM (@museumoficecream) on

Right before you leave, there's a room with an ice cream scoop seesaw and ice cream sandwich swing. There's also an art gallery of sweet concoctions. And while all of that's cool, I was still thinking about how confused my taste buds were and the fact that there was a cluster of sprinkles wedged between my calf and skinny jeans. And unless they put the cast of Hamilton in there for an ice cream social and group sing-along to "My Shot," I couldn't think of a more fun museum experience than that.
You can see more delicious pics of the museum on its Instagram page.

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