
Release Day Fun!

I never thought I would be nervous walking into a bookstore, but yesterday, as I opened up the door to Barnes & Noble, my stomach was in knots. Book launch day is an interesting time, at least it was for me. Excitement is definitely there, but then there's that feeling of, "Oh gosh, people are actually going to read it now."

But as I walked in, the nerves dwindled as I spotted her, sitting on the New Paperback Fiction table in the front of the store. Soon enough I was on an adrenaline high, signing books with the signature I had previously practiced in a notebook like a middle school girl with a crush.

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That's my friend Ryan photo-bombing me. This pic makes me laugh.
The book in the window at PowerHouse Arena in Brooklyn, where I'll be having my launch party on February 16th.
Another fun part of release day? The social media love! Thank you all for your tweets, Instagram pics, and Facebook posts. My notifications were like little boosts of energy all day. They kept me going. It was also really fun seeing your pictures with the book (some spotted them at bookstores, others snapped pics of the books that came in the mail.) I want to plaster my walls with them!

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your support throughout this adventure. If you're looking for more ways to support me, here's a really amazing article by an author I know about what you can do for a friend's book -- while a lot of this seems tongue-in-cheek, please, please do it all!

Shameless Plug: Click here to buy the book!

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